Pet Rescue Saga Wiki

Pet Rescue Saga currently has more than 5500 levels. All levels are grouped into episodes. Most episode names have two words. Most episodes have the same initial consonant sounds. There is a total of 385 episodes in October 2022, with more episodes to come. New levels are usually released every week.

The first episode contains 5 levels, the second episode contains 10 levels, the third episode contains 12 levels, all the rest containing 15. At the end of each episode (starting with Down Town City), to cross over to the next episode(on the Flash version), you have to get three of your Facebook friends to give you a ticket to cross, or buy 9 gold bars (3 gold bar for each ticket), as "Special Limited Time Offer" buys 4 gold bars. On Android or iOS, you can automatically move on to the next episode.In February 2016 it shortly changed the level icon.

Here are the current episodes in Pet Rescue Saga.


World 1: Animal Kingdom

World 2: Mystic Path

World 3: Lost and Foundland

World 4: Valley of Wonder

World 5: Fantastic Frontier

World 6: Fable Forest

World 7: Enchanted Pastures

World 8: Wacky Wonderland

World 9: Sunset Sanctuary

World 10: Mythical Meadow

World 11: Memory Lane

World 12: Harmony Hills

World 13: Crazy Cuisine

World n/a: FILLinNAMEhere
